Friday, December 2, 2011

The Lost and Glorious Cause


So, I lost NaNoWriMo 2011: my novel lacked the 23,691 words needed to turn that wordcount bar purple. Am I disappointed? Not really, because I met my goal: I'm still not convinced that I should stop writing. And like everyone at the website and blog are saying, those of us who didn't make it (losers, to say it outright) have a bunch of words we didn't have a month ago. After several months of unimpressive consecutive writing, I am satisfied with my 26,309 words from these last 30 days. 

I hope that that didn't sound too defiantly self-justifying.

The novel did take on that told-of life of its own, with characters switching roles and places of importance being the most surprising surprise. I stayed in third person narration, too, which maybe wasn't too wise: MC's internal monologues are abundant.

I plan to continue to write every day until this novel is done. Bonne chance to all as you finish, rewrite, or edit your literary masterpieces!


A song for this second day December:
C'est la mort by The Civil Wars on Grooveshark


Miss Sarah said...

Hey, I'm copy and pasting your goals from one of your October posts:

My goals:
~Write every day.
~Write something I am proud of.
~Be happy that I'm writing! It'll be good to grow in the sport.

By those goals, you seem to have won NaNoWroMo! Congrats on winning, I tell you!

Also, I should point out that this week on Itunes The Civil Wars are giving away a free Christmas carol. It's at the very bottom of itunes in the free section. ;-) Reward yourself with a free song, Mia. You deserve it!

Ellyn said...

YAY Mia! Think of your life + Nano and be proud - I mean really - a full load of credits, exams, a job on weekends....
I admire your courage and determination!

By the way I love you and can't wait to see you on Sun. ;)